Looking for a Puppy?
Looking for a Basenji puppy? If you would like to be informed of my future breeding plans, please complete the Expression of Interest Form for more information. Refer to the next litter page for more information about general inclusions when you purchase a puppy from me.
Alfie’s Hip Score
Alfie's (Tambuzi The Aviator) PennHip results were received in March. He was screened at the same time as his litter sister Harper and litter brother Jakey. Very pelased with Alfis's hip scorew hich is well below the breed average. Right Hip (Distraction Index) 0.36 and left 0.32, with no signes of OA in either hip. The breed ranges between 0.27 - 0.75 with an average 0.45.
Willow’s Hip Score
Willow's (Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish) PennHip evaluation report was received last week. Very pleased with her result. Both hips DI 0.29, with no evidence of OA in either hip. Willow's hips are ranked in the tightest 5% of the breed. The breed ranges from 0.29 (Willows score being the tightest) to 0.78.
The breed average DI is now to 0.46. This is disappointing as the average is higher some of the breeds one expects to have higher scores; for example, German Shepherd Dogs have an average score of 0.40, 0.6 lower than Basenjis!
I was amazed by the efficiency of the result - the X-rays were only taken one day and back the next from the US - well done PennHIP!
Eye Examinations
Both Willow and Lyra had further eye examinations today. Their eyes have been screened as part of the Tambuzi Health Management Program. An ACES approved specialist conducted the eye examinations. I am very happy to report that both Lyra and Willow received certification that they both have 'normal' eyes. There was no sign of cataracts, PRA, coloboma, and no PPMs of any type. It is especially relevant that periodic eye screening is carried out in a breeding program. This is the second eye examination that Willow and Lyra have had completed.
The next planned litters at Tambuzi will be bred in 2025. At this stage the matings are not confirmed.
Basenji Breeders Victoria Australia
Ch Tambuzi Secret Keeper