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Congrats to River for attaining his Australian Supreme Champion title

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Genetically normal for Fanconi Syndrome

Purchase with Confidence

Parents health tested and DNA profiled

Genetically normal for PKD (HA)

Genetically normal or carrier for PRA-BJ1

Eyes screened with ACES

Exceptional temperaments

Parentage verified by DNA

Full, complete backup for the life of puppy

Tambuzi Basenjis

Basenji Breeders Victoria Australia

Preserving the Past, Present & Future

Tambuzi Basenjis; Basenji Breeders Victoria Australia is kennel devoted to this ancient dog breed. In Swahili Tambuzi means intelligent, shrewd, clever, astute, quick-witted. This seemed to sum up the Basenji completely. I thought Tambuzi to be the perfect kennel name for this breed. I welcome you to browse through this website.  Review information about my Basenjis, health information, history, my breeding plans, links and resources. I am a member and registered breeder of DOGS Victoria please contact to verify my membership.  Should you have any questions about this truly unique breed, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Looking for a Puppy?

Looking for a Basenji puppy?  If you would like to be informed of my future breeding plans, please complete the Expression of Interest Form for more information. Refer to the next litter page for more information about general inclusions when you purchase a puppy from me.

Team Tambuzi

Team Tambuzi

Meet Team Tambuzi; the current Tambuzi Show Team. Pages are also dedicated to retired and senior team members.

Health & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing

The Basenji is an ancient breed that has evolved through ‘survival of the fittest’.



Click here for my litter details. My focus is temperament, health, owner assistance and education.

About Tambuzi

About Tambuzi

I purchased by first Basenji in 1997. This is about me, my main hobby - Basenjis and about my judging assignments.


Alfie’s Hip Score

Alfie's (Tambuzi The Aviator) PennHip results were received in March. He was screened at the same time as his litter sister Harper and litter brother Jakey. Very pelased with Alfis's hip scorew hich is well below the breed average. Right Hip (Distraction Index) 0.36 and left 0.32, with no signes of OA in either hip. The breed ranges between 0.27 - 0.75 with an average 0.45.

Willow’s Hip Score

Willow's (Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish) PennHip evaluation report was received last week. Very pleased with her result. Both hips DI 0.29, with no evidence of OA in either hip. Willow's hips are ranked in the tightest 5% of the breed. The breed ranges from 0.29 (Willows score being the tightest) to 0.78.

The breed average DI is now to 0.46. This is disappointing as the average is higher some of the breeds one expects to have higher scores; for example, German Shepherd Dogs have an average score of 0.40, 0.6 lower than Basenjis!

I was amazed by the efficiency of the result - the X-rays were only taken one day and back the next from the US - well done PennHIP!

Eye Examinations

Both Willow and Lyra had further eye examinations today. Their eyes have been screened as part of the Tambuzi Health Management Program. An ACES  approved specialist conducted the eye examinations. I am very happy to report that both Lyra and Willow received certification that they both have 'normal' eyes. There was no sign of cataracts, PRA, coloboma, and no PPMs of any type. It is especially relevant that periodic eye screening is carried out in a breeding program. This is the second eye examination that Willow and Lyra have had completed.

eye examinations


  • Health, Wellbeing & Temperament

    The health and wellbeing of the Basenjis I breed has always been and will continue to be a top priority. Veterinary science is an ever changing landscape of improvement and new technology. The advent of breed specific DNA tests such as the DNA test for Fanconi Syndrome has given breeders additional tools in the rearing of healthy puppies. I have developed a health management program that maximises the use of available DNA tests and scientifically valid screening methods. I am an authorised DNA collector for Orivet Genetic Pet Care.

    Temperament is equally important. The importance of well balanced socialisation in the first 14 weeks of a pup's life cannot be over emphasized. I have developed my own process of nurturing puppies which begins before they are born. Although my methods may not be unique they work for me. Basenjis bred by Tambuzi have exceptional temperaments.

  • Dog Showing and Judging

    I enjoy dog showing as a hobby. Of course, we always enjoy coming home with a Best of Breed ribbon. I am a member of the Victorian Basenji Breed Association and DOGS Victoria. Tambuzi continues to be successful in the show ring. Supreme Ch Tambuzi The Secret Society is a mutli All Breeds Best in Show winner and Multi Runner-Up in Speciality Show Winner. Supreme Ch Tambuzi Seven Streams Of Somar is also a multi All Breeds Best in Show Winner.  Grand Ch Tambuzi At Light Speed was my first Grand Champion and at the time the youngest female Basenji to attain that title. Her daughter Ch Tambuzi The Rinpoche of Qinghai attained her champion title in just 7 months and 1 week.

    My involvement in the dog world has extended to judging. Passing theory and practical assessments to judge the Hound, Toy, Gundog and Terrier Groups at championship show level. I have had the pleasure of judging in in every state of Australia. Including the Southern Region of NSW Hound Specialty in 2010. I am now studying the Non-Sporting (have passed all my theory exams) and Utility Groups.

  • Progressive & Forward Thinking

    Progressive thinking, the ability to change and take on board new and exciting technology are aspirations of Tambuzi Basenjis. Tambuzi is the first Australian Basenji kennel to utilize state-of-the-art genetic technology, Optimal Selection™  which I commenced using in 2012. Pilot studies carried out have shown an increase in average litter numbers. A reduction in disease and greater genetic diversity. As time goes by, with continuing research and development, one can only imagine how tools such as Optimal Selection™  will assist breeders in the future.

  • Information & Assistance

    I often received emails and calls with questions and concerns from Basenji owners. This has been in my capacity as a breeder and owner of this unique breed. Also in my position as Secretary of the Victorian Basenji Breed Assoc. I am more than happy to try and assist Basenji owners with any questions they might have. If I can't help immediately I will research and ask some other long time breeders. Please feel free to make contact with me.


The next planned litters at Tambuzi will be bred in 2025. At this stage the matings are not confirmed.


We don’t bark


Basenji generally don't bark. Their larynx is shaped slightly differently to other dogs. The breed is capable of making a multitude of other sounds and noises. Most notably a yodeling 'howl' or barooo when they are happy.

We have one season per year

Unlike most domestic breeds the Basenji retains some of its wild ancestory and like the wolf it only seasons annually. Basenji puppies are generally born in winter.

We clean ourselves like cats

Basenji are meticulous about being clean. They preen them selves like a cat. They also do not have a 'doggie' odour, rather they pick up the smells around them.

Basenji Breeders Victoria Australia

Basenji Breeders Victoria Australia

Ch Tambuzi Secret Keeper

Copyright © Tambuzi Basenjis. All rights reserved.