Usually IPSID is seen in young adult to middle aged Basenjis. Generally it starts with loss of appetite followed by bouts of sever diarrhoea. The trigger for Basenji predisposed to this condition may be stress related. A stressful event such a travel or boarding may 'bring on' the disease. Weight loss is common due to loss of nutrients and protein from the gut.

Symptoms include:

  • weight loss;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhoea;
  • increased and decreased appetite;
  • emaciation;
  • skin lesions;
  • hyperpigmentation of the ears and thickening of the ear leather;
  • hairloss in the ear and on the stomach;
  • hypergastrinemia;
  • lethargy and/or depression.

Generally, diagnosis is not simple.  There are many diseases and issues that cause the symptoms. A process of elimination and/or several diagnosis processes are employed;  blood (serum protein levels, low albumin, high globulin and high IgA levels) tests and  fecal tests can rule out some other issues such as parasites and bacterial infections. A biopsy is one of the most important diagnosis tools. Other possible causes of the symptoms including gardia and food allergies should be ruled out.

There is no cure for the condition. IPSID can be controlled if caught early. Diet may need to be changed. Prednisone can be used in a treatment regime starting at a high dose and the gradually reducing the dose. Prednisone suppresses the hyperactive immune response and decreases inflammation.


Posted in: Health & Wellbeing