Numurkah A&P Association Show 23 Oct 2013
Mrs B Doyle (Victoria) judged the Hound Group. It was good to see that the baby puppies were at last beginning to realise that they can actually walk and even managed to gait albeit for only a few steps here and there. Tambuzi The Isle of Avalon (Arthur) was placed 1st in a class of 3 baby dogs. Tambuzi Secret of Roan Inish (Willow) followed in her brother paw prints and was placed 1st in a class of 4 baby bitches. Arthur eventually went on to beat his sister for baby puppy of breed. Ch Debrak On The Road Again (AI) (Ringo) took out the dog challenge and his daughter Ch Tambuzi The Rinpocheof Qinghai (Ruby) won the bitch challenge. Ringo went to Best of Breed and was pulled out for group - even though he was being a real terror.